H17 Omega3 Fish Oil, 2g

1 pcs. Come, try and enjoy one piece in our
HEALTHY Coffee-Shop in Jomtien Beach.
Only in our Coffee-Shop.

10 pcs. Try it for 7 days and see what effect this
supplement gives you.
In our Coffee-Shop or / plus shipping.

30 pcs. With the 30-pills solution, you can adjust
your nutritional supplementation correctly.
Take it daily or every 3 to 5 days and check
your values and how you feel with this
In our Coffee-Shop or / plus shipping.

100 pcs. Perfect for providing your
body with this supplement on a long-term basis.
Pay attention to the number of doses and
optimize your needs.
In our Coffee-Shop or / free shipping!!

20,00 ฿1.140,00 ฿


Please note that daily intake of the nutritional supplements is only an additional
improvement to your natural food ontake and the desired positive properties
can only occur after regular intake over a longer period of time.
Supplements can never replace natural food but they provide you with the
necessary supplements that you need for a healthy body quickly, inexpensively,
easily and safely.

2 capsules daily, right before a meal.

EN: Regulation of metabolism, bone, skin and hair health. Reduction of risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke. Positive nfluence on fat levels and blood pressure.

DE: Regulierung des Stoffwechsels. Gesundheit Knochen, Haut, Haare. Verringerung Risikos Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen Herzinfarkt / Schlaganfall. Positiver Einfluss Fettgehalt und Blutdruck.

CN: 调节新陈代谢、骨骼、皮肤和头发健康。降低心脏病或中风等心血管疾病的风险。对脂肪水平和血压有积极影响。

RU: Регуляция обмена веществ, здоровья костей, кожи и волос. Снижение риска сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, таких как инфаркт или инсульт. Положительное влияние на уровень жира и артериальное давление.

TH: ควบคุมการเผาผลาญ กระดูก ผิวหนัง และสุขภาพผม ลดความเสี่ยงของโรคหัวใจและหลอดเลือด เช่น หัวใจวาย หรือโรคหลอดเลือดสมอง ส่งผลดีต่อระดับไขมันและความดันโลหิต